New Year’s Resolutions And Why They Are Important

Photo: Viktor Hertz

Photo: Viktor HertzWe all make them and we all break them. How many years has your New Year’s Resolution been to lose weight and get fit and healthy? Studies show that 75% of people break their resolutions within three months. The 25% have broken them by the end of January. How will you do this new year??

Unfortunately, the reality of most New Year’s resolutions is that they ultimately fail. While you may start strong on a program to lose weight, stop smoking, or read the Bible more, within a few months the busy-ness of life catches up to us, and the commitment to stick to our resolutions becomes difficult to maintain.

When making a New Year resolution did you ever consider and actually ask; what is honestly at the heart of your New Year’s resolutions? Why do you make them? What are you really looking for–is it change and improvement to your life? Is it a new direction, objective, and motivation to achieve those goals that for months and years you have been thinking about but not taking any actions on? Is it to discover who you are and what makes you happy?

Most New Year’s resolutions fail because we do not have the strength on our own to succeed. But when we remain in the awesome love and power of the Almighty God, we can trust that He will carry us through. For more information about that please visit our friends at

While only 45% of Americans usually make New Year’s resolutions, people who intentionally make resolutions are more likely to attain their goals than people who don’t make resolutions.

The start of a new year is a time of reflection and motivation. We reflect on the triumphs and challenges of the prior year, and we determine what we want to improve upon in the coming year. And this leads many of us to set New Year’s resolutions, promises to ourselves of what we want to accomplish or do better than we did last year.

The key to setting effective New Year’s Resolutions is to be clear about what it is that you want. For example, if you want to take better care of yourself this year, what does that look like? Write then the why, when, where and how so you know exactly what you are trying to achieve.

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