Margie’s Story

Margie - Before
Margie – Before

When I think back to how my life has changed over the years, I still shake my head in amazement. I was always fit and active as a kid. I started weightlifting when I was 15, and fell in love with bodybuilding. In my 20’s, I was a small, fit, exuberant, and had the world by the tail.

Fast forward to my mid 30’s and the future didn’t exactly look the way I expect, nor did I. I was overweight, unfit, and I felt like I was 100 years old. “Life happened” to me, and there I was – a 5′ 2″ former, successful, personal trainer – weighing almost 200 lbs! Strange how it creeps up on you and you don’t even see it…

Then, one day I looked in the mirror as if for the first time. I hated what I saw, and I hated how I felt – my body, my life, and me on the inside. What had happened to me? I wasn’t even comfortable in my own skin anymore. I knew how differently I was being treated as an overweight person, and I didn’t like it. I’d like to say I was still the same person on the inside, but that would be a lie – I wasn’t at all. I had no self-confidence left, no sense of adventure, no energy, and no spark. I didn’t know how to get it back…

The straw that broke the camels back was the day the metal button flew off my size 18 jeans. No one else saw, but I was humiliated. I knew there had to be more to life than what I had, and I decided that day to choose to take my life back, to take control of my body.

I was now my own personal trainer and I knew what had to be done. I researched everything in depth even more – I wanted the weight gone yesterday! I wrote my own nutrition and workout program and followed them. I was never deprived of anything I wanted to eat, however, I realized that every food choice was that – a choice – a conscious decision. I was consistent with my workouts, but never overboard. Slow and steady won the race, and today I’m fit, more alive, and happier than ever!

Margie - After
Margie – After

My journey taught me that life is more than just about body weight. It’s about living a happy, vibrant, confident life. It’s about being comfortable in your own skin – to the point where you are no longer self conscious and actually seek out new adventures! I had to ask myself questions and have the resolve to answer them honestly in order to grow.

The most surprising and powerful thing I learned – losing weight only changes the physical you. You have to work on the emotional you in order to a happier fit person. That’s the reason I am a Lifestyle Makeover Coach and Inspirational Speaker – because I am committed to helping others to live in a body they love! Join me – it’s a great place to be!

So, no matter where you are in your journey, perseverance is your strongest ally – stay strong. and keep going – you can do it!! I’m always happy to help others achieve their goals too. Please feel free to drop me a line, won’t you?

Live! in the body you love!

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One Thought to “Margie’s Story”

  1. Wow, what an inspiration you are Margie! You sure have had a lot of courage and strength to do accomplish what you have and to use it to inspire others with their challenges and continual journey to grow. Thank you!

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