Transforming your special place into an exceptional space.

By Mark Rowan

Superior Custom BuildersSince 2003, the tradesmen of SC Builders have specialized in restoration, remodeling, and building custom homes in the upstate of South Carolina. With over 25 years of combined building experience, and a passion for customer satisfaction, they can build your dream home. No matter what your preferences might be, they can achieve your goals for your new or remodeled home.
As an established local business in the upstate of South Carolina, they support our local economy by using local suppliers and sub-contractors. Their personal service is unmatched, and they will do whatever is necessary to make the building process easier for you and your family.
SC Builders Mortgage Partners can provide the perfect loan for your dream home or remodel. They are approved builders for Bank of America and other lenders in the area, and look forward to making your home improvement or new home construction as stress-free as possible!

Please visit SC Builders’ website,, to view a few homes they have built or remodeled.

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